Join “Changing future” on November 12th at 5.45 pm, live on Cesvi Facebook and Youtube channels. “Changing future” is the first event within the international programme 1Planet4All.
Giampaolo Musumeci, Radio 24 journalist, and all the guests will talk about the complexity of climate change as a global threat and the ideas to tackle it effectively.
Young activists and operators from Italy, Palestine, Peru and Zimbabwe will share their experience and good practices to face climate emergency and to change a future which, with the worsening of the Covid-19 pandemic, seems to be already written.
Stefano Caserini, environmental engineer and science communicator, will explain how recovery funds could be an exceptional opportunity to increase jobs and for a national green transition, the only way for a real sustainable future.
It’s time to understand the effects of a changing climate and to rethink our model of production and consumption.
It’s time to act now.

Gloria Zavatta – Cesvi President
Celeste Righi Ricco – Climate Reality Project
Giulia Persico – Italian Climate Network
Roberta Bonacossa – Change for Planet
Stefano Caserini – Environmental engineer and science communicator
Laura Bertazzoni – Fridays for Future Italia
Lylen Albani – Campaigning and Volunteers Coordinator Cesvi
Daniele Guadagnolo – UNCTAD Youth
With the video contribution of:
Nyasha Kariramombe – Cesvi Zimbabwe
Hanz Heinz – Cesvi Perù
Saad Zaabadi – Cesvi Palestine
Giampaolo Musumeci – Radio 24 journalist
The event will be in Italian.
“Changing future” is part of the 1Planet4All project, co-funded by the European Union within the DEAR programme (Development Education and Awareness Raising) to mobilise young people from 12 European Countries by raising awareness on climate change and how our choices in the northern countries of the world can have a profound impact on developing countries.