Alliance2015 Spanish member Ayuda en Acción has launched on 6th July the #1Planet4All campaign.
What is 1Planet4All?
It’s a climate campaign which takes place in 12 European countries, where 6 of Alliance2015 members joined forces with other ngos (for a total of 14 organisations), to report on their experiences in the Global South, because that is where climate change is massively increasing other existing problems.
1Planet4All in Spain
#1Planet4All campaign in Spain is called #EnTuMano and it is aimed to encourage young people to take action for the climate through small sustainable habits that they can start adopting this summer. For this campaign an educational game-contest on Instagram was developed, and it counts with support of three famous Spanish young influencers: Carolina Iglesias (@percebesygrelos), Gersanc (@gersanc_) and Rocío Vidal (@lagatadeschrodinger).
“The climate emergency is one of the biggest problems of the 21st century and youth is a key player in making change happen,” said Carolina Iglesias in her IGTV video. “We are setting out the perfect journey in terms of sustainability but there is a big responsibility on the part of business and politics to make the world sustainable,” Gersanc reminded on her Instagram account.
The campaign is being developed in three phases. Firstly, through questions launched on Instagram Stories, the followers of Carolina Iglesias and Gersanc have helped them to make decisions about their holidays, with regard to the means of transport, food or clothes to choose for the trip.
In a second phase, the two influencers engaged in a conversation with the journalist and science communicator Rocío Vidal, with whom they analysed the answers given by the audience. Their followers were able to confirm, for example, that a plant-based diet based on local products is more sustainable, that the train pollutes 10 times less than the aeroplane and that buying second-hand clothes promotes the circular economy and avoids the production of unnecessary waste.
credits: Ayuda en Acción
For the third phase of the campaign, the game-contest #EnTuMano has been launched, which will be active during the first fortnight of July and aims to encourage learning and raise awareness among young people about sustainable consumption habits. The contest consists of a series of questions published on the Instagram account @accion_entumano, the results of which will form a code to be inserted on the campaign website. Participants will be able to win a Renfe train + leisure gift card.

“At Ayuda en Acción we have been working for 40 years to guarantee sustainable development that allows everyone, everywhere, to have a decent life without mortgaging the future of those who come after them. That is why we are committed to a fundamental tool, education, and to a generation, that of young people, so that they can discover their power to question, reflect, make demands and, in short, change the rules of the game and achieve a sustainable planet”, says Alberto Casado, Advocacy Director at Ayuda en Acción.
More information about Ayuda en Accion’s campaign here.