How the war stole my home twice
by Polina Budagovska
Alliance2015 member People In Need has organised an exhibition of drawings about the life of a young girl from Ukraine, with support from the European Union, and Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU, as the part of the programme of the Czech EU Presidency.
WHERE: Schuman Lights Up, Tent at Rond-Point Schuman (European quarter), Brussels.
WHEN: Wednesday 7. 12. 2022, from 10:00 to 22:00.
The exhibition will be opened at 18:30 by:
- Andreas Papaconstantinou, Director, Neighbourhood and Middle East, DG for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations.
- Jitka Látal Znamenáčková, Deputy Head of the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU, Permanent Representative to the Political and Security Committee.
- Polina Budagovska, Authour of the exhibition.