Civil society proposals to strengthen the bi-regional relationship
Document by the EU-LAC Working Group for the EU’s New Agenda towards Latin America and the Caribbean and its bi-regional strategy
In the global context of democratic regression, a constrained civic space and a crisis of public confidence, the engagement of an active and diverse civil society is crucial for the success and reliability of the bi-regional strategic project. After a relative standstill on the bi-regional agenda, there has been an agreement to renew the strategic partnership during a new EU-CELAC Summit on 17 and 18 July in Brussels, and the Joint Communication “A New Agenda for EU-LAC relations” published by the European Commission, setting out the EU’s priorities and actions.
Based on the historical contribution, the current relevance, and the legitimacy of the work of civil society organisations and networks that make up the EU-LAC Group, we propose some recommendations for the renewal of EU-LAC relations, tackling four main challenges:
- Towards an open civic space for a vibrant democracy.
- Towards an EU-LAC agenda that puts the fight against inequalities at its centre.
- Towards a Green and Just Transition for both regions.
- Towards just and sustainable investment and trade agreements.
Read our proposals to strengthen the bi-regional relationship here.
The EU-LAC Working Group is an informal platform of European organizations and networks created in 2014. Its common objective is to work on EU-LAC topics.
List of organizations and networks:
Caritas Europa; Pax Christi International; WSM; OIDHACO; WIDE+; People in Need PIN; Red EULAT; Oxfam; ActionAid; RIDHE; Solsoc; CIDSE; Brot für die Welt; COSPE; Coordinadora ONGD España; Gret; WWF; Fundación Avina; SOLIDAR; Wetlands International; Alliance2015; World Organisation against Torture – OMCT; ITUC; Plataforma Europa – Peru; Fundación Ebert Stiftung; ETUC; Human Rights Watch; Civil Rights Defenders; 11 11 11; FIDH; CSW; Amnesty Europe; AIDSFONDS; Justice et Paix; CONCORD; CNCD 11 11 11; Race and Equality; Heinrich Böll Foundation; IFSI-ISVI.
Other organizations supporting this document:
Free Press Unlimited; MPDL – Movimiento por la Paz; Fundación Alboan; Alianza de Organizaciones para la Eficacia del Desarrollo – AOED-ALyC; Plataforma Diálogos Nacionales Ecuador; Asociación Nacional Centros de Investigación Promoción Social y Desarrollo – ANC; Fundación Entreculturas; Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana; IM-Suecia; OMCT; ASTM; WSM; Trocaire; ACDA; BOS+; MATM; Red europea de Comités Oscar Romero; Solidair met Guatemala; Protection International; OCDIH, Organismo Cristiano de Desarrollo Integral de Honduras; FOS ngo; Red sin Fronteras RSF; Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP); PRODIVERSA – Progreso y Diversidad; Fundación Kallpa Bolivia; ISCOD -Sindicalistas sin fronteras; CGIL – Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro; ARCS – Arci Culture Solidali; ISCOS; Asociación CRECER; Liga Española de la Educación y la Cultura Popular.
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