We joined 160+ organizations, in calling on the Board of the Loss snd Damage Fund to prioritize #PeopleNotProfit.
As the Board of the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage (FRLD) enters its second year of activity, Alliance2015 is joining 160 other civil society organizations in a co-signed letter calling on the Board Members for a people-centered Fund, urging them to not to conflate the human right to participation with elevating for-profit private sector engagement.
The letter maintains that Active Observer seats in the Board must be reserved for those representing affected or climate-vulnerable communities – Indigenous Peoples, women and vulnerable groups, youth and environmental organizations – not for the profit-driven private sector, whose participation would undermine the Fund’s mission and create serious conflicts of interest.
The for-profit private sector must not be given a place as an Active Observer in a Board deciding over the use of a Fund that is meant to serve people who have lost their livelihoods because of the climate crisis.