Since 2015 in Diffa, the security and humanitarian crisis has led to massive displacements that have put critical pressure on already vulnerable host communities. The UNOCHA Humanitarian Needs Overview 2017 has identified five crises in Diffa: Malnutrition, food insecurity, epidemics, floods and population movements. This multisectoral project, integrated into a consortium with ACTED and Concern, aims to increase the resilience of populations while providing for specific emergency measures.
As follows the distribution of beneficiaries by activity:
– 2000 vulnerable agricultural households will be supported with improved seeds and inputs;
-1000 receive market seeds and arresting tools;
-500 lactating women with children admitted to the CRENs receive 2 goats each;
-400 women of childbearing age trained and equipped to carry out awareness-raising activities on the prevention of malnutrition;
-200 farmers who are members of POs receive support for the conduct of the Warrantage;
– 8 pilot farmers multiplying improved rainfed seeds receive training and start-up kits.

In a transversal way:
-The establishment of 35 varietal demonstration fields in the project intervention area will enable approximately 6,000 farm households to be affected. Awareness-raising initiatives (radio, community groups) will reach about 10,000 people.