Integrated support for the development of agro-pastoral sectors that are conducive to growth and employment.
The Central African Republic languishes at the bottom of various hunger and poverty rankings, but in areas around the capital, Bangui, there is hope for stability and recovery.
This 24-months project, jointly implemented by three Alliance2015 members Welthungerhilfe, Acted and Concern, together with COOPI, aims at building resilience and enhancing rural economic development in the regions of Ombella-M’Poko, Lobaye, Kémo and Bangui.
In this large-scale consortium project, Welthungerhilfe together with Concern and Acted supports emerging value chains by bringing together producers and distributors. The project provides advice and support to farmers’ groups to increase their productivity. The investment in value chains also creates new jobs in agriculture, a sector that provides a livelihood for 80 percent of the population.
The project’s interventions create opportunities for transformation and job creation for young people and women who are the main victims of the current crisis and therefore the pillars on which the country’s recovery can be built. Working together as Alliance2015 partners enables to harmonize the methodologies used and seek synergies to make a difference for the beneficiaries.
“The objective of the project is to ensure food security and to enable the creation of employment, especially for young people. All this should lead to sustainable peace” – says Octave Bananeza, Consortium Coordinator.
“5,000 young people will be employed and 28,000 households will benefit from the road infrastructure rehabilitated or built during the execution of the project; 4,000 households will benefit from the agricultural income”.

Overall, the project results into:
- improved productivity through better access to the means of production;
- support to farmers’ organizations, in order to provide sustainable access to quality and proximity services to improve agricultural productivity and profitability;
- rehabilitation and construction of post-harvest infrastructures to strengthen the production of added value through the identified value chains;
- structuring and strengthening of the development of value chains in agricultural sectors.
This project is financed by the EU Trust Fund Bêkou. It brings together four NGOs: Alliance2015 members Welthungerhilfe, Acted, Concern, and COOPI. These organisations have shared the work in terms of areas of activities and localities for a duration that runs from December 15, 2018 to December 14, 2020.
Since the official launch of this project in the country, Alliance2015 member Welthungerhilfe has focused its activities on the organisation of farmers’ groups. In 2019, 230 beneficiaries (110 men and 120 women) members of 14 groups received seeds composed of 6’900 kg/arachid and 1’380 kg/maize as well as agricultural tools (machetes, round shovels, square shovels, Ceylon hoes and rake) to sow 57.5 ha.
Concern has been developing activities in the Sub-prefecture of Boali, including the rehabilitation of road infrastructure, among which four bridges, including one in the village of ZALINGO.
The NGO ACTED, which operates in the Prefecture of Kemo, and more precisely in the Sub-prefectures of Sibut and Dékoua, has invested in labour-intensive works (THIMO) to rehabilitate road infrastructures in order to facilitate trade. It also undertook to reorganize the Village Savings and Loan Associations (AVEC).