The report released by Ayuda en Acción aims at making a critical and constructive contribution to the analysis of the armed conflict and the response in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique.
Gernika Gogoratuz (GgG), the Center of Studies and Action for Peace (CEAP) and Ayuda en Acción have been working together on the report, assuming that a deeper understanding of the reality of Cabo Delgado is necessary to advance the improvement of the situation of the people affected by this war. The study aims to deepen local knowledge and understanding of the context, capacities and strategies of actors and institutions, as well as the processes of forced internal displacement in the province of Cabo Delgado.
The protracted war and humanitarian response have brought to the table the debate on how to move forward with a triple nexus approach that synchronizes humanitarian, development and peace initiatives to reduce the vulnerabilities of internally displaced persons, while ending direct violence by armed groups, initiating post-war reconstruction and strengthening community cohesion among displaced and host communities. With this research, from a knowledge based on the local context and the interpretation of the diverse social realities, using feminist, decolonial and critical political economy theoretical-analytical tools, the aim is to focus on the need to change course, taking into account the explanations, narratives and proposals based on the knowledge and experiences of the affected people, and orienting humanitarian aid, development and peace initiatives towards strengthening the agency of the networks of displaced communities and host populations.